We help our students broaden and refine a number of skills:
Developing proper vocal technique, refining pitch, tone, timbre, & rhythm
Cultivating proper use of vocal registers like chest, falsetto, and mix
Developing aural skills and harmonizing with others (for age-eligible groups)
Fundamental, basic, intermediate, and advanced routines in different styles like jazz, modern, ballet, and ballroom.
Stage movement in a group setting, coordinating with others
Learning individual, partner (for age-eligible groups), and group routines
Stage presence, blocking, and performing personality
Proper projection, enunciation, and dictation
Invoking emotion in performance, connecting with the audience and creating a meaningful performance for everyone involved.

Students are divided into age groups and guided by our qualified vocal, dance, and acting instructors. Through a combination of encouragement and expertise, we help your child develop their talents and improve their confidence. Results are clear after just one semester!